Use SQL database servers for data storage and retrieval. Deliver Airlog with
InstantDB and PostgreSQL.
Use the database systems to ensure the data's integrity.
Be able to scale. Number of pilots and flights limited by database. Virtually unlimited.
Separation of flights in 3 categories: "Captain", "Instructor" and
"Not captain"
Report flights for each aeroplane type for the 3 categories.
Printable reports
Calculate Training Barometer as defined by the Danish Soaring Association. Show it on the main
as LED's
"Fit for Flight" / "Fit for Insctruction"
Flights shall be editable in table form.
SpeedInput of many similar flights.
What works now
Airlog connects to 3 database systems out of the box, the backends are Oracle, PostgeSQL and InstantDB
Database creation via dialog when Airlog initializes for the first time
Login form when configured as a multiuser system.
Pilot data ( name, address, date of PFT, date of medical and more ) dialog implemented
Main form with nice looking toolbar, menu, message bar and
Training Barometer
Dialog form for new/edit flight.
SpeedInput for multiple similar flights.
Reporting with optional subtotaling for each
year. Reporting is done for each aeroplane type for a given
category ( Captain, not captain and instructor )
Airlog is localized, comes of out the box with english and danish texts
Logging done by Log4J.
Not implemented yet
Import of Airlog mk. I data
Report printing
Editing of flights in a large table
Administration of pilots (delete).
"Fit for flight" / "Fit for Instruction".
GUI is still rough, missing short-cuts just to name one detail.
Aeroplane type administration (CRUD).
Backup of data.
Exporting data i XML. XML DTD must be defined.
Version 2+
Be able to save locations with good thermal potential and construct a "Hotspot" map from the
stored locations
Import from other logbooks.
Handle binary data, for instance pictures of turnpoints.
Maybe use M$ Access as database backend as many people probably already has it installed. Volunteers ?
Airlog: http://airlog.sourceforge.net
E-mail: Per Jensen or Frederik Hansen
$Date: 2000/11/25 13:56:56 $ (UTC)